February’s Fellowship Dinner will be Sunday, February 16th directly after services and will be hosted by Chelsea and Cody Reese.

The theme is taco bar! Check out the sign-up sheet or bring your favorite taco toppings.

All are welcome!!

Welcome to our new preaching minister!

On February 2nd, we welcomed our new preaching minister, Jason Hankinson, and his family into our church fellowship.

Jason was previously serving as Youth Director at the Walhonding Church of Christ for the last 16 years. He serves on the board of Wakatomika Christian Service Camp and is the camp treasurer. In addition to preaching, he is an administrator for the Licking County ESC. Jason and his wife, Bethany, have been married for over twenty years and have four children.

We invite you to come fellowship with us and meet Jason and his family.

VBS 2019

vbs 2

Our VBS this year is “YEE HAW” “Celebrating God’s Greatest Gift”.

The Dates this year will be Sunday-Thursday, June 23rd-27th from 6pm to 8pm nightly.

VBS is open to ages PreK(3 years old) to 6th Grade (grade completed).

Aubrey Hazen is our VBS Director this year!

On Thursday we will have a closing program and cookout for everyone!

There is a link on our website where you can go download and print off a registration form if you want to do that ahead of time and turn in or bring with you opening day.

Mark your calendars and we hope you and your children will join us for VBS Yee Haw!

Ladies Mother’s Day Brunch

mother's day brunch

Saturday, May 4th 10:00am in DCC Fellowship Hall

All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend and bring others with you.

There is a sign-up sheet on the Bulletin Board in the Main Church Lobby.

Hope to see all our ladies and family/friends join us to celebrate Mom’s!

April Fellowship Meal


Sunday, April 28th after our morning worship services at 10:30am we will share in a fellowship meal together! This month’s theme is Potato Bar and will be hosted by Mike/Jane Addair & Jim/Sherrie Holmes. We invite everyone to come and invite family and friends to church that day to be spiritually fed and then physically fed!   More details to come and sign-up’s for what to bring.

February Fellowship Meal

hot dogs

Sunday, Feb. 17th following our 10:30am worship services we will share a meal together in the fellowship hall. Kevin and Kathy Byers are hosting this month and the theme will be “Hot Dog Bar”.  Make plans to join us on Sunday, Feb. 17th! 


chili cookoff and monthly meal


Our Monthly church fellowship meal is this Sunday, January 20th following our 10:30am worship service.  Please stay afterwards and enjoy a meal in our fellowship hall. The theme for January is Chili Cook-off and you are encouraged to bring your pot of chili (we will vote on a winner) and you are also welcome to bring fixings, side dishes, desserts, or drinks to share.  Invite someone to church with you.  Hope to see you out!

Christmas Eve Service


Join us on Monday, Dec. 24th at 6pm for a Candlelight Christmas Eve service at Danville Church of Christ.  Come celebrate the birth of Jesus with us!