February’s Fellowship Dinner will be Sunday, February 16th directly after services and will be hosted by Chelsea and Cody Reese.
The theme is taco bar! Check out the sign-up sheet or bring your favorite taco toppings.
All are welcome!!
Discover, Develop, & Deepen your faith in Jesus Christ
February’s Fellowship Dinner will be Sunday, February 16th directly after services and will be hosted by Chelsea and Cody Reese.
The theme is taco bar! Check out the sign-up sheet or bring your favorite taco toppings.
All are welcome!!
The February Men and Young Men’s Prayer Breakfast is Saturday, February 8th at 8:00 am.
On February 2nd, we welcomed our new preaching minister, Jason Hankinson, and his family into our church fellowship.
Jason was previously serving as Youth Director at the Walhonding Church of Christ for the last 16 years. He serves on the board of Wakatomika Christian Service Camp and is the camp treasurer. In addition to preaching, he is an administrator for the Licking County ESC. Jason and his wife, Bethany, have been married for over twenty years and have four children.
We invite you to come fellowship with us and meet Jason and his family.